Weekly Planning Alert, 18/12/2024
Planning Alert, Dec. 18th 2024
New and decided planning application updates issued by Leitrim County Council on 18/12/2024
New // Corrachuill , Drumshanbo , Co. Leitrim
Outline Permission is sought from Leitrim County Council for the following development:
To construct dwelling house, connect to existing public sewage treatment plant, provide new site entrance and access road including all ancillary site works necessary to complete the development.
New // Kilcoosey National School , Boihy , Dromahair
We, Oliver Wouters and Talita Holzer intend to apply for permission for development at this site of Boihy, Dromahair, Co. Leitrim.
The development will consist of:
•The conversion of the existing National Inventory of Architectural Heritage school building into 2no. dwellings,
•The refurbishment of the existing school building,
•The construction of a single storey extension to the rear of the building,
•The decommissioning of an existing septic tank and replacement with new waste water treatment system with tertiary treatment system and Infiltration treatment area,
•All associated site works.
New // Cleendargen , Ballinamore , Co. Leitrim
I Dominic Mc Govern wish to apply for full planning permission for the
1. To construct 2 number slatted/dry bedded agricultural sheds.
2. To construct a new agricultural access entrance.
3. To construct a sheep dipping tank and sheep handling facilities and all
ancillary works.
The works are located at Cleendargan, Ballinamore, Co Leitrim.
New // Fahy , Ballinaglera , Co.Leitrim
to retain the existing domestic sauna and construct a pontoon jetty and all ancillary works.
Decided // 7 Saint Patricks Park , Carrick On Shannon , Co.Leitrim
The development will consist of :a) A two storey rear infill extension to provide additional living accommodation at ground floor level and one additional en-suite bedroom at first floor level. b) together with all associated external works.
Decided // Clooncorick , Carrigallen , Co. Leitrim
(A) Completion Of A Partially Constructed Agricultural Type Building Which On Completion Will Consist Of Stables, Loose Housing & An Indoor Riding Arena, (B)The Proposed Construction Of A Dungstead To Service The Above, (C) Retention Of Existing Extensions To The Existing Agricultural Shed Which Was Previously Granted Full Planning Permission Under Planning Reference Number P.12163, And All Ancillary Site Works
Decided // Modorragh , Drumkeeran , Co Leitrim
full planning permission for the following:
1. To construct a two story type domestic dwelling.
2. To construct a domestic garage
3. To construct a new site entrance.
4. To connect to all public services, and all ancillary works.
The works are located at Modorragh, Drumkeeran, Co Leitrim
Decided // Tooman , Dromod , Co. Leitrim
Retention of as constructed: (A) Existing extension to the side of the existing Bungalow Type Dwelling House; (B) Storage Shed type building to the side of dwelling house,
Decided // Coragh Td , Ballinamore , Co. Leitrim
Proposed Construction Of A Bungalow Type Dwelling House, Detached Garage, Entrance, Boundary Fence/Wall, Suitable Sewerage System With Polishing Filter And All Ancillary Site Works
Decided // Ballinamore Rd. , Drumshanbo , Co Leitrim
a) Single storey Side and Rear extension b) front porch, c) First floor extension complete with roof construction, d) new rear garden pergola,
e) new domestic car garage & fuel store shed.
Decided // Hartley , Carrick on Shannon , County Leitrim
(1) demolish existing conservatory on the west elevation, (2) erect a new replacement conservatory to the west elevation, (3) remove existing window from east elevation, (4) retain existing Velux roof window on east elevation & (5) add three number, new Velux roof windows to the east elevation, together with all associated site development works.
Decided // Curraghnawall , Ballinamore , Co Leitrim
retention planning permission for one single storey sunroom
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