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Weekly Planning Alert, 25/12/2024

Planning Alert, Dec. 25th 2024
New and decided planning application updates issued by Leitrim County Council on 25/12/2024

New // Corrachuill , Drumshanbo , Co. Leitrim

Outline Permission is sought from Leitrim County Council for the following development: To construct dwelling house, connect to existing public sewage treatment plant, provide new site entrance and access road including all ancillary site works necessary to complete the development.

Decided // Mullanadarragh , Carrigallen , Co. Leitrim

Proposed Conversion Of A Bungalow Type Dwelling House Into Part Storey And A Half Type Dwelling House Together With The Construction Of A Storey And A Half Type Extension To The Rear Of The Same, Conversion Of An Existing Attached Garage Into A Bedroom, Internal Renovations, Replacement Of Existing Septic Tank System With A Suitable Onsite Wastewater Treatment System With Polishing Filter And All Ancillary Site Works.

Decided // Cornagher , Garvagh , Co. Leitrim

Planning Retention Permission sought to retain amendments to development previously granted under P21/248 which provided for the alterations and extension to existing dwelling. The amendments to be retained include: increase of height of overall dwelling house, changes and alterations to windows, with increase in height of first floor windows, with additions and removal of windows, and removal of 1 no. rooflight, addition of front porch, removal of 2 no. chimneys, widening of door adjacent to dining area, and removal of 2 no. detached sheds onsite, with connection to existing services and all associated site works.

Decided // Carrigallen GAA Grounds , Calloughs Td , Carrigallen

(a) Convert existing clubhouse attic space into multipurpose area with sensory room, toilets and stairs from first floor, (b) alterations to existing roof structure to incorporate dormer windows, roof lights and lift shaft projection (c) provide passenger lift to all levels and associated structure, (b) remove existing external fire escape and provide new 3 storey extension incorporating stair core on north elevation(d) internal alterations to plans and elevations of existing club house and associated site works at Carrigallen GAA Grounds, Calloughs Td, Carrigallen, Co Leitrim, H12D427.

Decided // 7 Saint Patricks Park , Carrick On Shannon , Co.Leitrim

The development will consist of :a) A two storey rear infill extension to provide additional living accommodation at ground floor level and one additional en-suite bedroom at first floor level. b) together with all associated external works.

Decided // Lareen , Kinlough , Co Leitrim

construction of a residential dwelling and on site effluent treatment system and all associated works

Decided // Clooncorick , Carrigallen , Co. Leitrim

(A) Completion Of A Partially Constructed Agricultural Type Building Which On Completion Will Consist Of Stables, Loose Housing & An Indoor Riding Arena, (B)The Proposed Construction Of A Dungstead To Service The Above, (C) Retention Of Existing Extensions To The Existing Agricultural Shed Which Was Previously Granted Full Planning Permission Under Planning Reference Number P.12163, And All Ancillary Site Works

Decided // Modorragh , Drumkeeran , Co Leitrim

full planning permission for the following: 1. To construct a two story type domestic dwelling. 2. To construct a domestic garage 3. To construct a new site entrance. 4. To connect to all public services, and all ancillary works. The works are located at Modorragh, Drumkeeran, Co Leitrim

Decided // Tooman , Dromod , Co. Leitrim

Retention of as constructed: (A) Existing extension to the side of the existing Bungalow Type Dwelling House; (B) Storage Shed type building to the side of dwelling house,

Decided // 26 Shannon Lodge , Townparks Td Carrick on Shannon , Co Leitrim

single storey extension to the existing dwelling house and all associated site works

Decided // Corglass , Glencar , Co. Leitrim

Construction of 167.5sqm shed, 2no. polytunnels, upgrading of existing agricultural lane and entrance and all associated site works

Decided // Cloghlough , Carrigallen , Co Leitrim

construction Of A Bungalow Type Dwelling House, Detached Garage, Entrance, Boundary Fence/Wall, Suitable Onsite Treatment System With Polishing Filter And All Ancillary Site Works.

Decided // Drumderg , Drumshanbo , Co Leitrim

(1). construct a two story type domestic dwelling. (2). To construct a domestic garage. (3). To construct a new site entrance. (4). To connect to construct a waste water treatment system to current EPA code of practice, and all ancillary works.

Decided // Hartley , Carrick on Shannon , County Leitrim

(1) demolish existing conservatory on the west elevation, (2) erect a new replacement conservatory to the west elevation, (3) remove existing window from east elevation, (4) retain existing Velux roof window on east elevation & (5) add three number, new Velux roof windows to the east elevation, together with all associated site development works.

Decided // Creamery Road , Manorhamilton , Co. Leitrim

development will consist of, a) a new 1,419.70 m², two storey primary school building on a greenfield site, comprising of 5 classrooms, a GP Hall, a 1 classroom special education needs base, support teaching spaces, a staff room, and all ancillary accommodation, b) all external facilities including new pedestrian and vehicle entrances, access road with set-down areas, new pedestrian crossing on Creamery Road, car park, hard and soft play areas, cycle storage, bin storage compound, service compound, electricity substation, landscaping, site signage and all boundary treatments, and, c), all associated site surface water and foul drainage, and site services, including public lighting.

Decided // Prughlish , Keshcarrigan , Co Leitrim

refurbish and extend existing dwelling house, upgrade existing septic tank with a new sewerage system and a treatment plant. To provide secondary and tertiary treatment, and all associated works

Decided // 17 Castle Street , Manorhamilton , County Leitrim

1). refurbish and renovate existing dwelling house R.P.S No 44 and Protected structure reference number 30805002 refers. 2). To provide rear extension to dwelling house referred to in item 1 above.

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