Weekly Planning Alert, 06/03/2024
Planning Alert, Mar. 6th 2024
New and decided planning application updates issued by Leitrim County Council on 06/03/2024
Decided // Hartley , Carrick on Shannon , Co. Leitrim
construction of a single storey side extension to the existing dwelling house, a single storey detached domestic garage, landscaping works, and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development.
Decided // Carigeencor , Dromahair , Co.Leitrim
(1) construct two single storey domestic extensions to the side and to the rear of the existing dwelling. (2). To carry out elevational changes to the existing dwelling.
(3). To demolish existing domestic garage
4. To retain the front porch.
5. To upgrade the existing WWTS to the current EPA code of practice.
Decided // Carrick , Keshcarrigan , Co. Leitrim.
erect a 21m high monopole telecommunications support structure together with antennae, dishes, and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed by security fencing and extend the existing access track.
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