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Weekly Planning Alert, 03/04/2024

Planning Alert, Apr. 3rd 2024
New and decided planning application updates issued by Leitrim County Council on 03/04/2024


erection of a 6 Bay Single Slatted Unit with underground storage tank, concrete aprons and associated works.

Decided // Laird House Carricknabrack Td , Drumshanbo , Co Leitrim

extend and modify existing car park with associated site development works

Decided // Cleendargan , Ballinamore , Co. Leitrim

(1) Retain and complete the existing single storey dwelling with living accommodation in the roof space. (2) Construct a domestic garage. (3) Upgrade the existing waste water treatment system to current EPA code of practice, and all ancillary works.

Decided // 2 Greaghnafarna , Ballinaglera , Co.Leitrim

A change of use from a short term rental property to a permanent Domestic Residence

Decided // Homeland Agri , Kiltoghert , Carrick on Shannon

the demolition of an existing shed, construction of a new 135sqm replacement shed, repositioning boundaries to extend yard area, and the installation of effluent treatment unit, together with all ancillary site works and services

Decided // Lurganboy , Manorhamilton , Leitrim

Construction of single storey extension to side of existing dwelling with connection to public services and associated site works.

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