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Weekly Planning Alert, 08/01/2025

Planning Alert, Jan. 8th 2025
New and decided planning application updates issued by Leitrim County Council on 08/01/2025

New // Derrinwillen Glebe , Drumkeeran , Leitrim

I, Calvin O'Donnell, intend to apply for planning permission to Leitrim County Council for the following development: 1. Change of use of an existing agricultural shed to a commercial shed. 2. Construction of a new agricultural lane.

New // Cloonee , Mohill , Co. Leitrim

The development will consist of the construction of a new single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, internal and external alterations and refurbishment works to the existing dwelling including the construction of a new front porch, demolition of an existing outbuilding, the construction of a new single garage and new wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with all associated site development works.

Decided // Ballynamony ( Leitrim By ) , Carrick on Shannon , Co Leitrim

erect a single storey extension to the rear and gable of dwelling house, erect a domestic garage and, all associated works ,

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